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Round pens For sale

Round pens are circular enclosures used primarily for training and exercising horses. They typically feature sturdy panels or rails that create a safe and contained area for groundwork, lunging and basic training exercises. Round pens come in various sizes, with diameters ranging from 40 to 80 feet or more, allowing for flexibility in different training methods and horse sizes. They are constructed from materials like steel, wood, or PVC, chosen for durability and safety.  are essential tools for establishing communication, Stall Kits trust, and obedience between horses and handlers, providing a controlled environment for teaching commands and correcting behaviours. They are commonly used in equestrian facilities, training centres, and private farms to facilitate effective horse training sessions while ensuring the safety of both animals and handlers. When selecting a round pen, factors such as size, material quality, and ease of assembly are important considerations to meet specific training needs and ensure long-term usability.

Original price was: $1,200.00.Current price is: $960.00.
Original price was: $1,430.00.Current price is: $1,050.00.